I think we all know the importance of moisturising; whether you have dry, oily or even combination skin, this process should constitute a fundamental pillar within the routine of your daily skin care habits.
As it turns out, any intentions of keeping your skin clear, smooth and wrinkle-free can be much more easily fast-tracked with the assistance of this simple act that ensures your skin is hydrated and refreshed. Moisturising daily provides your complexion with the appropriate nourishment to combat skin issues like dry patches or acne breakouts without needing your skin glands to work overtime, and let’s face it–it’s the one step permitting the allowance of a comfortable mildly scalding shower everyday, without horribly drying out or damaging your skin.
Now, while we have established the undeniable cruciality of moisturising your skin, here comes the hard part: which product should you use to accomplish this? For better, there is an extensive variety of products for you to choose from, each with their own unique set of benefits, but it certainly doesn’t make the process any less easier. Although the primary function of all these different items is to keep the skin hydrated, the skincare industry has never been a one-size-fits-all for a reason, and so you should understand which product is best suited to treat the concerns and issues of your own skin type.
But, don’t worry–our team here at Macqueza will always be here to help, and this instance is no exception.
New and innovative product designs are constantly being created within the beauty climate, making it a complicated game of who is who. However, the concept of Body Lotions and Body Oils are a significantly easier subject to navigate, given the fact that they are considered one of the top choices to turn to when seeking to moisturise your skin, and have been a long-established household name.
Does this imply that they essentially provide the same functions, and can be interchangeable?
Not by any means–here’s why:
One of the most common misconceptions of these two designs lies within their assumed intentions: while the overarching goal of these two products remains committed to helping you get smoother and softer skin, both processes diverge rather greatly, and should never be mistaken as being the same.
It can be easily discerned that the formula of Body Oils contains a much thicker consistency than that of its Body Lotion counterparts, and this is for good reason.
The formulation of Body Lotions are most often made up of a mixed compound incorporated with ingredients of water, oil and emulsifying agents. Because these products prioritise the rejuvenation and nourishment of your skin’s outer layer, its blend is more often than not possessing a lightweight, usually creamy composition that features several ingredients of alimentary value, and is thus much more versatile, as well as kind to all skin types.
Though, this is not to say that Body Oils do not hold their own advantages Body Lotions are not able to fulfil; the richer texture of Body Oils are actually intentional, due to the system in which this product works. Body Oils work to moisturise the skin by first reintroducing the necessary moisture into areas of need, and as such requires a formula capable of penetrating deep into the skin’s layers in order to properly nourish its protective barriers and prevent subsequent moisture loss or evaporation from occurring again. As such, this choice would definitely better cater towards individuals of dryer and more sensitive skin conditions, but there are still more forgiving alternatives within this category that would not disrupt the balance of oiler skin–some are even effective in regulating excessive sebum production!
This leads us to the inevitable question: which one is right for you?
Generally speaking, this decision naturally depends on the specific type of your individual skin and its concerns, as well as the environmental climates in which you are living under. Thi is not to say that one holds superiority over the other, but rather an emphasis that each selection carries its own application benefits that might better cater to your skin.
Body Lotions are most often utilised by individuals residing within a tropical climate of seasonal humidity, as their thinner formulas are more absorbent and thus would not encourage excessive sweating or oil production.
For individuals looking to repair the quality and state of their skin barrier, however–Body Oils might be more relevant, and helpful, especially when these issues are attributed to reasons of a colder weather capable of irritating and stripping the skin of its essential moisture supply.
Now that we’ve clearly explained the differences between your two options, we’d like to bring your attention to a third: why not mix the two?
Here’s some good news for those of you who still have no idea which side to commit to: the best and most fail-free way to ensure your skin remains hydrated and healthy is to actually combine these two products together–creating a lotion sandwich of sorts!
Layering on the recipe of a good Body Oil on top of an equally effective Body Lotion actually succeeds in heightening the potency and efficiency of these products.
This is because with the protective barrier constructed by the Body Oil’s thick and occlusive formula, the nourishing and healthy influences of a Body Lotion would be better sealed in, minimising chances of premature evaporation, and thus ultimately leading to the production of a faster and more stimulating result.
This effect is especially true in the cases of combinations deriving from the same brand, such as the The Perfect Anti-Stretch Mark Body Lotion and The Perfect Anti-Stretch Mark Oil from Joone, as these products from the same collection are most likely curated to feature ingredient formulations specifically suited to complement and synergise with each other to provide an ideal compatibility that might not be found when combined with products from other brands.