Nighttime hair care routine for naturally beautiful hair
Did you know that your hair routine should be just as important as your skincare routine? As such, here’s our beginner-friendly nighttime routine for achieving this outcome, and it’s most definitely NOT 14 steps:

MACQUEZA REVIEW: Trying Glov On The Go as a “non-makeup guru”
We ALL know makeup removal is one of the most essential and mandatory elements of skincare. But sometimes, you just need a break. That’s why, I’d like to share a review of something I consider to be one of the greatest life hacks in the whole of my not-so-professional makeup career: just add water–to your reusable and sustainable magical makeup remover.

7 quality ideas to enrich your time with friends
The importance of friendships remain unchanged in every stage of your life; So, before the year starts to get busy, here are some fun and creative ideas to truly maximise your time together. Spoiler alert: be ready to turn those gadgets off!

Back-to-School Beauty Essentials for the perfect routine under 5 minutes
The new semester has begun, and whether you’re an early bird who easily gets the worm, or hitting the snooze button at least 15 times a day is your morning exercise, everyone has time to spare for a quick and easy makeup routine.
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