Mlog — Cakey Makeup
Essential Tips to Achieve the Viral Douyin Makeup Look
What exactly is the Douyin makeup style, and how do you achieve it? In this article, we’ll break down the key points of this viral trend so you will be able to easily adopt these techniques for yourself, along with some tips on how you can truly achieve that perfect glowing skin and soft doe eyes!
MACQUEZA REVIEW: Trying Glov On The Go as a “non-makeup guru”
We ALL know makeup removal is one of the most essential and mandatory elements of skincare. But sometimes, you just need a break. That’s why, I’d like to share a review of something I consider to be one of the greatest life hacks in the whole of my not-so-professional makeup career: just add water–to your reusable and sustainable magical makeup remover.
HOW TO: A Step-By-Step Guide On Avoiding That Cakey Makeup Look
While holding a passing resemblance to that one pastry dessert no one has ever claimed to hate, we’re sure the term “cakey makeup” incites a rather different sentiment to the ears, especially among our fellow beauty gurus out there. Follow along in our step-by-step guide of avoiding having to pull that cakey makeup look off all day:
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