Mlog — things to do

Maintain that Perfect Pregnancy Glow with these Skincare Tips

Maintain that Perfect Pregnancy Glow with these Skincare Tips

Pregnancy encompasses one of the beautiful miracles of life. However, while this stage in life can be a fascinating time, it is important for mothers to keep in mind they should not neglect taking care of themselves and their changing bodies. To cope with these new circumstances, we’d like to offer a hand in perfecting this routine, in the skincare department–curated to be completely safe and encourage that pregnancy glow, of course!

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The Best Viral Beauty Trends for YOU--According to Your Zodiac Sign

The Best Viral Beauty Trends for YOU--According to Your Zodiac Sign

The new year is here, bringing with it hope and prosperity--along with the continuing popularity of zodiac signs. With the fast-paced and ruthless social media algorithm we are so used to viewing on major platforms like TikTok and Instagram, why not let your zodiac sign take the lead once again in navigating all the choices of these viral trends?

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MACQUEZA REVIEW: Trying Glov On The Go as a “non-makeup guru”

MACQUEZA REVIEW: Trying Glov On The Go as a “non-makeup guru”

We ALL know makeup removal is one of the most essential and mandatory elements of skincare. But sometimes, you just need a break. That’s why, I’d like to share a review of something I consider to be one of the greatest life hacks in the whole of my not-so-professional makeup career: just add water–to your reusable and sustainable magical makeup remover.

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7 quality ideas to enrich your time with friends

7 quality ideas to enrich your time with friends

The importance of friendships remain unchanged in every stage of your life; So, before the year starts to get busy, here are some fun and creative ideas to truly maximise your time together. Spoiler alert: be ready to turn those gadgets off!

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